bds – single
<?php $post_tags = get_the_tags(); if ( $post_tags ) { foreach( $post_tags as $tag ) { $name = $tag->name; $first_letters = explode(" ",$name); foreach($first_letters as $s){ echo substr($s,0,1); } } } ?>
Created: February 8, 2024
Modified: February 8, 2024
[likebtn white_label="true" share_enabled="false" tooltip_enabled="false" popup_disabled="true" theme="custom" btn_size="40" i18n_like="Template works for me!" i18n_dislike="I have a problem with the template" show_dislike_label="true" counter_type="percent" bg_c="transparent" counter_l_c="#ffc045" counter_d_c="#ffc045" icon_l_c="#b8d5ed" icon_d_c="#b8d5ed" label_c="#b8d5ed" f_size="14" label_fs="p" brdr_c="transparent" f_family="Inter" label_c_v="#FEC64F" icon_l_c_v="#FEC64F" icon_d_c_v="#FEC64F"]
<?php $parent = wp_get_theme()->parent(); // get parent version echo 'Bricks version '. $parent->Version; ?>
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